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Each month in 2025, we are collecting donations to send to charitable organizations and causes in the US. To donate, select the amount you wish to contribute and add this product to your cart. Acaia will publicly provide proof of donations when they are sent to the organization. Collections for The South LA Community Foundation will continue through the end of February, 2025. Acaia will also match $50 in donations for this period.

Since this is related to their work in rebuilding community and providing aid in the wake of the terrifying and ongoing LA fires, we would encourage you to donate directly to SLAC by clicking here.

In their own words:

Fighting Racial, Economic, Social, and Food inequity through People. Place. Prosperity.

The South LA Community Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit affiliate of South LA Cafe aims to break the shackles of systemic oppression and inequality by creating, building, and empowering an equitable, healthy, and sustainable South Central community for all people. Our model focuses on the following three pillars:

  1. People: Empowering Our Families- Lifting barriers to human rights and healthy ecosystems by creating access to resources and developing a social safety net. 
  2. Place: Creating Our Community- Rejecting cultural erasure and displacement by creating equitable and thriving community spaces and experiences.
  3. Prosperity: Building Our Economy- Combatting gentrification and corporate development by building a sustainable and self-determined local economy.

Our pillars address many of the social issues facing the underserved and under-resourced Black and Brown community through the following programs:
The Grocery Giveaway- Fresh and healthy food distribution
The Cafe Academy- Workforce training program
The Network- Entrepreneur and small business training community
The Impact Center- Community Empowerment and resilience hub

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