Each month for the foreseeable future, we are collecting donations to send to charitable organizations and causes in the US. For 2020 and onwards, these highlighted organizations are ones that are centered around education and the fight against racism. It is clear that the specialty coffee industry, and society as a whole, has much to address regarding this long-standing issue. And a way to start is to contribute to those groups that are knowledgeable about action and teach those around them to unlearn racism.
For the month of December, we will be collecting for ACCESS Reproductive Justice. This will continue until the last day of the month.
The organization was founded in 1993 “by clinic escorts who witnessed the many barriers pregnant people were facing, especially young or low-income folks.” Their mission is to provide information and practical support on all aspects of reproductive health as well as build a community actively working to meet the real needs of those seeking reproductive health services.
To donate, you can select the amount you wish to contribute as an add-on for your product purchases. Acaia will publicly provide proof of donations when they are sent to the organization.
In their own words:
“Most people believe that reproductive health care is easy to get in California because we enjoy some of the strongest reproductive rights in the nation. Medi-Cal covers prenatal care and abortion, and low-cost family planning services are widely available. Legally, there are few restrictions on abortion. Yet, thousands of people in California still find it nearly impossible to act on these rights or obtain reproductive health care without a struggle. Reproductive rights are meaningless when you don’t know where to get birth control, no abortion provider accepts your insurance, you are afraid to seek prenatal care because of your immigration status, or the closest clinic is hours from your home.”