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Event Recap: Nordic Coffee Fest

The year 2025 marks the second year of the Nordic Coffee Fest, a regional show for coffee enthusiasts and professionals in Gothenburg, Sweden. Run by the team behind the global-trotting Barista League events, the Nordic Coffee Fest has grown into a hub of coffee activity for both locals and internationals. A small Acaia team flew to Gothenburg to exhibit at the event, which ran March 1 and 2.

Read below to see what we did over the festival weekend!

On the Booth

The Acaia booth at Nordic Coffee Fest, staffed by a member of Acaia with several products on show
Our products and team were found at booth B2 throughout the festival weekend. Attendees and other exhibitors demoed our product collection, including the Orbit, Ion Beam, Pearl, Pearl S, Lunar, and Orion Nano! Visitors tried their hand at dosing, grinding, exploring settings, and switching modes across our products.

On Saturday, we welcomed Laure from Belco to the booth to brew coffee leaves.

Laurie brewing coffee leaves

And on Sunday, Mateo from Da Matteo, the 2025 winners of Nordic's Best Roaster, brewed delicious filter coffee for visitors. Thank you to Laure and Mateo for joining us!

Mateo brewing coffee using Acaia Pearl Scales

On both days, we also ran our very own booth game! Attendees took part to win the daily grand prize, a Pearl S scale. Those participating guessed the weight of a dose of beans without a scale. Congratulations to our weekend winners, seen below! Have you taken part in our booth game at other festivals?
Grand Prize Winner - a man holding a Pearl Model S scale box in front of the Acaia booth.
Grand Prize Winner Day 1 - a man holding a Pearl Model S scale box in front of the Acaia booth.

On The Show Floor

The show featured a range of roasters like La Cabra, Morgon, and A Matter of Concrete. It also hosted international equipment companies, including Ceado, La Pavoni, Kitchenaid, rRebel, and Victoria Arduino. The organizers promoted a major focus on sustainability, with reusable cups provided by Acme and excluding as many single-use items as possible.

One of the major highlights of the show floor was the large interactive Barista School area. Visitors could jump on espresso machines and brew bar stations to learn important coffee skills from some of Scandinavia's most seasoned professionals. We were excited to have a suite of Lunar and Pearl scales ready to assist visitors in honing their coffee abilities.

La Cabra brewing coffee at Nordic Coffee Fest
Barista School at Nordic Coffee Fest
Acaia Pearl being used in the Barista  School


While in the city of Gothenburg, we fit in two cafe visits: Morgan Coffee Roasters and De Matteo.

At Morgan, located just down the river from the Nordic Coffee Fest location, we enjoyed their own roasted coffee and running into fellow travellers in Gothenburg for the event.

Several people standing around the wooden bar at Morgan Coffee Roastery, with the roasting machine and area seen in the backA corner of Morgan Coffee Roasters, including a wooden bench against a red background and a small table in front.

On our last day in the city, we dropped into the Da Matteo roastery, where we had the chance to taste the coffee that secured them the top spot in this year's Best Roaster competition.

Da Matteo Coffee Shop
The winning coffee of Nordic's Best Coffee Roaster in the Da Matteo Roastery
Team Acaia had a great time during our trip to Nordic Coffee Fest. We met many local coffee aficionados, spoke with industry friends, and experienced how the Scandinavian coffee scene is flourishing. We look forward to future visits!

The sunset going over Bananpeiren, the location of 2025's Nordic Coffee Fest

Upcoming Events

If you missed meeting the team in Sweden, we have a calendar of upcoming events! Will you be heading to any of the following?

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