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Event Recap: WOC Dubai, February 10-12, 2025

It's only a few months into 2025 and the calendar of coffee events is already in full swing! For the first time, a small Acaia team headed to Dubai to attend the fourth edition of the city's World of Coffee (WOC) trade show. Run by the Specialty Coffee Association, the event welcomed exhibitors and attendees from the Middle East, Europe, Asia, and further afield. We joined the event with our local reseller, Brewing Gadgets. They hosted a busy booth full of demonstrations, new products, and more.

Read below to find out more about our time in Dubai.

Brewing Gadgets booth at WOC- Dubai

Acaia Orion dosing coffee


Adjacent to the Brewing Gadgets booth was a curated stand of Acaia products. You could find our Acaia team, supported by Brewing Gadgets staff, on booth #Z5-D7. For many of our visiting attendees, we demoed equipment like the Orbit grinder, Pearl Model S, Pearl, Lunar, Orion, and Orion Nano. Lucky entrants also won a range of limited edition swag by taking part in our 'Guess the Weight' game.

Acaia Booth

Acaia Team Member at the Acaia Booth

Show floor

Across the show floor, we met a range of old industry friends, international roasters, and local consumers. We spotted many Pearl scales across both of the lively Roaster's Villages, located at either end of the hall. The show played host to a range of large coffee companies from across the Gulf area, including Sulalat, Crown Muscat, and many others. We met our resellers from other countries like Blue Tokai, Dimitri's Coffee, Vanguard, and Rawicoffee.

Acaia Pearls spotted in the cafe space
Sulalat Booth on event floor
Acaia being used on the event floor
Cafe on the event floor


While not at the show, we had a chance to see two of the many beautiful coffee shops across the city of Dubai. On the last day of our trip, we visited the elegant and modern surroundings of ABC Coffee Roasters. On the bar, we spotted many Lunars and Pearls throughout the open bar space.

ABC Coffe Roasters behind bar

We also visited the UAE branch of The Barn, a famous German roastery with its headquarters in Berlin. The small coffee shop was tucked away in a peaceful park, with a range of Acaia scales on the brew bar.

Pour over being made at The Barn

We hope you enjoyed the recap of our time at World of Coffee Dubai. We look forward to joining again in the future. We would like to thank our local reseller, Brewing Gadgets, again for their wonderful welcome and hosting during the event!

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