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January Non-Profit: National Latina Institute

Each month for the foreseeable future, we are collecting donations to send to charitable organizations and causes in the US. For 2020 and onwards, these highlighted organizations are ones that are centered around education and the fight against racism. It is clear that the specialty coffee industry, and society as a whole, have much to address regarding this long-standing issue. And a way to start is to contribute to those groups that are knowledgeable about action and teach those around them to unlearn racism. 

For the month of January, we will be collecting for National Latina Institute for Reproductive Justice. This will continue until the last day of the month. 

The organization “builds Latina/x power to fight for the fundamental human right to reproductive health, dignity, and justice.” The non-profit centers “Latina/x voices, mobilize our communities, transform the cultural narrative, and drive policy change. We amplify the grassroots power and thought leadership of Latinas/xs across the country to fuel a larger reproductive justice movement.”

To donate, you can select the amount you wish to contribute as an add-on for your product purchases. Acaia will publicly provide proof of donations when they are sent to the organization.

In their own words:

“The Latina Institute fights for equal access to reproductive health for Latina/x communities. We are a national organization headquartered in New York City and with offices in Washington, D.C., Florida, New York, Texas, and Virginia.”

For too long, complex systems of oppression have robbed Latinas/xs of the resources we need to make informed decisions about our bodies and lives. To overcome these barriers, we are building a base of activists across states, shifting culture, and shaping policies informed by our lived realities. The strong base of leaders we’ve grown since our founding in 1994 has created lasting change at the local, state, and national levels—from expanding abortion access and affordability to securing im/migrant reproductive health rights.

At the Latina Institute, we know we are not the only voice for reproductive justice; it is an intersectional movement. We support and work in partnership with other organizations, initiatives, and activities led by people of color. “

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