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Monthly Non-Profit: November

Each month for the foreseeable future, we are collecting donations to send to charitable organizations and causes in the US. For 2020 and onwards, these highlighted organizations are ones that are centered around education and the fight against racism. It is clear that the specialty coffee industry, and society as a whole, has much to address regarding this long-standing issue. And a way to start is to contribute to those groups that are knowledgeable about action and teach those around them to unlearn racism. 

For the month of November, we will be collecting for The Loveland Foundation. This will continue until the last day of the month. 

The organization is ‘committed to showing up for communities of color in unique and powerful ways, with a particular focus on Black women and girls.’

To donate, you can select the amount you wish to contribute as an add-on for your product purchases. Acaia will publicly provide proof of donations when they are sent to the organization.

In their own word:

‘The Loveland Foundation was established in 2018 by Rachel Cargle in response to her widely successful birthday wish fundraiser, Therapy for Black Women and Girls. Her enthusiastic social media community raised over $250,000, which made it possible for Black women and girls nationally to receive therapy support. Black women and girls deserve access to healing, and that healing will impact generations.

The Loveland Foundation is the official continuation of this effort to bring opportunity and healing to communities of color, and especially to Black women and girls. Through fellowships, residency programs, listening tours, and more, ultimately we hope to contribute to both the empowerment and the liberation of the communities we serve.’

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