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Monthly Non-Profit: Womankind

Each month for the foreseeable future, we collect donations to send to charitable organizations and causes in the US. For 2020 and onwards, these highlighted organizations are centered around education and the fight against racism. It is clear that the specialty coffee industry, and society as a whole, have much to address regarding this long-standing issue. And a way to start is to contribute to those groups that are knowledgeable about action and teach those around them to unlearn racism. 

For March, we will be collecting for Womankind. This will continue until the last day of the month. 

The organization's mission is to use "the multidimensionality of its Asian heritage to work alongside survivors of gender-based violence as they build a path to healing."

In their own words:

"A student at Hunter College's School of Social Work rallied a small group of impassioned community activists to discuss the dearth of services available to Asian immigrant women suffering in domestic violence situations."

Thus, Womankind was born from a single phone—effectively establishing the first helpline, and lifeline, for Asian domestic violence survivors on the East Coast. In the 40+ years since, the agency has grown to become a leader in providing multilingual and culturally responsive services to help survivors of domestic violence, human trafficking, and sexual violence rise above trauma and build a path to healing. Our dedicated team of 70 staff and 150 volunteers collectively speaks 18+ Asian languages and dialects."

Through our programs, we offer survivors access to a safe place to live, counseling, legal assistance, wellness activities, and so much more. Though we are an expert in serving Asian communities, our services are valuable and available to all. Because of our specialty, we are contacted for assistance nationwide and even internationally. Whether in our services or in our increasing advocacy and policy work, Womankind first centers the survivor by uplifting them to control their own lives and narratives."

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