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November Non-Profit: Southern Smoke Foundation

Each month since 2020, we have collected donations for different charitable causes. Our initial goal was to highlight organizations focused on education and the fight against racism. The specialty coffee industry, and society as a whole, has much to address regarding this long-standing issue. A way to start is to contribute to groups who are knowledgeable about action. They teach those around them to unlearn racism. Since beginning this initiative, we have branched out to non-profits supporting marginalized communities.

For the month of November, we will be collecting for the Southern Smoke Foundation. This will continue until the last day of the month. 

Southern Smoke Foundation supports food and beverage (F+B) workers through financial crises and other challenges. Their programs include an emergency relief fund, which helps people to pay for essentials like groceries, clothing, and medications. This fund also covers the cost of rent, natural disaster damages, lost wages, and more. Their Behind You program provides no-cost mental health counseling to food and beverage workers in 10+ states. The program also provides financial assistance to food and beverage workers outside the covered states.

To donate, you can select the amount you wish to contribute as an add-on for your product purchases. Acaia will publicly provide proof of donations when they are sent to the organization.

In their own words:

"Southern Smoke exists to take care of our own. As a nonprofit founded and powered by current and past F+B workers, we’ve felt the heat of our industry firsthand. Our efforts are dedicated to creating a meaningful safety net of support that doesn’t exist for most people in our world."

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