Orders Outside of the US, please check out where to buy

Donate to Southern Smoke Foundation

Collecting donations for a non-profit providing aid to food and beverage workers through November.

Double Insulated Cup 4 oz / 120 ml

Enjoy every espresso shot at its best. Maintain optimal serving temperature with this double-insulated vessel

Double Insulated Cup with Spout 4 oz / 120 ml

Achieve consistent, precise pours with the spout's controlled design

Gift Card
Gift Card

$10.00 - $250.00

E-gift card for your favorite coffee geek

Heat Resistant Coaster

Protect your scale from the heat interference of longer brews

Ion Beam
Ion Beam


Engineered to address the issue of static electricity arising from the coffee grinding process.



Consistent and precise espresso scale designed for a commercial environment

acaia lunar base
Lunar Base


Create a barrier against the heat and moisture of your drip tray

Lunar Carrying Case

Protect your Acaia Lunar during travel

Lunar Heat Resistant Pad

Designed for brewing pour over with the Lunar

Lunar Weighing Plate

Magnetic plate designed to fit on top of Acaia Lunar for either a portafilter or two cappuccino cups


$1,450.00 - $1,700.00

The Acaia Orbit grinder, now offered in Space Gray, Beige White, and Black, features an elegant minimalist design. Each hand-built grinder includes a multi-purpose hopper suitable for single-dose and batch grinding

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