We’re in Atlanta for SCAA Expo! This year, we are featuring roasters and baristas at our booth, plus showing off some new items we’ve been working hard on.
New Firmware Apps, Updates to Current Apps
Customer Feature: Specht Design
Designers inspire fellow designers & we are often awed by what our products inspire others to create.
Limited edition color & Holiday stock on the acaia lunar
Latest news roundup from acaia
What a busy couple of months for us! A number of very cool news items happened recently.
Customer Feature: Espresso Library
There's a new kind of cafe rising up: specialty coffee is no longer experienced singularly within the confines of a cafe. It's consumed on the street, on a bike, shopping for groceries & in your cocktails.
Acaia University: Zero Tracking
This lack of response is a purposeful design. It is not an error in sensitivity or sign of a damaged load cell. This very important feature is called “zero tracking.”