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Utrecht Coffee Tour

Utrecht Coffee Tour

Our team recently visited Utrecht, a beautiful city in the Netherlands not far from our EU office. During our one-day tour, we enjoyed delicious coffee and food. We also connected with industry friends and partners in the area.

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Five Lunar scales of varying colors against a white background with the word "January Non-Profit: Anti-Racism Commitment Coalition" beside it

Monthly Non-Profit: ARCC

For the month of January, we will be collecting for the non-profit organization Anti-Racism Commitment Coalition. This will continue until the end of the month.

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Dr. Mihnea Nicolescu competing with the Orbit grinder

The Orbit in Competition: Interview with Dr. Mihnea Nicolescu

An interview with Dr. Minhea Nicolescu; a medical professional, professor, and coffee competitor. He favors Acaia gear like the Pearl and Orbit in competition.

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