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Trevor on the competition stage performing his routine.

Sponsored Barista Interview: Trevor Fitz

In this interview, we spoke with Barista Championship competitor Trevor Fitz. We sponsored Trevor during his recent national competition in South Africa.

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A black Orbit on white beside text stating "April Non-Profit: 18 MR"

Monthly Non-Profit: 18MR

For the month of April, we will be collecting for the non-profit organization 18 Million Rising. This will continue until the end of the month.

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Mateo is pouring competition for sensory judge as another judge watches

Sponsored Barista Interview: Mateo Peros

In this interview, we spoke with Brewers Cup competitor Mateo Peros, whom we sponsored during his recent national competition in Sweden.

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Sponsored Barista Interview: Agata Halinska

Sponsored Barista Interview: Agata Halinska

In this interview, we spoke with Brewers Cup competitor Agata Halinska, whom we sponsored during her recent national competition in the Netherlands.

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Barista Dominika Piotrowska sitting beside a green espresso machine and a sign proclaiming her the winner of the Austrian Barista Championships 2023

Sponsored Barista Interview: Dominika Piotrowska

In this interview, we spoke with barista competitor Dominika Piotrowska, who we sponsored during her national competition in Austria.

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Two people sorting green coffee beans by hand. Photo by Gabriel Granja

Non-Profit Interview: The Chain Collaborative

In this non-profit interview, we speak with the Chain Collaborative. The team tells us about their history, the initiative's main objectives, how they create change with local coffee-growing region leadership, and upcoming projects.

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Monthly Non-Profit: Housing Works

Monthly Non-Profit: Housing Works

For the month of August, we will be collecting for the non-profit organization Housing Works. This will continue until the end of the month.

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Monthly Non-Profit: Our House

Monthly Non-Profit: Our House

For the month of July, we will be collecting for the non-profit organization Our House. This will continue until the end of the month.

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Monthly Non-Profit: Crafting the Future

Monthly Non-Profit: Crafting the Future

For the month of June, we will be collecting for the non-profit organization Crafting the Future. This will continue until the end of the month.

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