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Reseller Interview: Koffietje.nl

Reseller Interview: Koffietje.nl

In this reseller interview, we speak with Sám Lasaroms of Netherlands-based Koffietje. Sám tells us about her origins in coffee, the research behind her successful monthly "Coffee Box" subscription, and upcoming projects & trips.

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Owner Andrew Smart leaning on a large black coffee roasting machine

Reseller Interview: Espresso Workshop

In this reseller interview, we speak with Andrew Smart of Auckland's Espresso Workshop. We learn more about his predictions of the local coffee scene, how the team approaches roasting and service, and how they use Acaia on bar.

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Two hands holding a coffee dripper and grounds over a Pearl scale

Customer Interview: Ruby Roasters

In this Customer Interview, we speak to Jared Linzmeier of Wisconsin-based Ruby Roasters. We learn about the philosophy behind the company, how they use Acaia on bar, and what is coming up in Ruby's future.

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Customer Interview: Terrain Coffee Roasters

Customer Interview: Terrain Coffee Roasters

In this customer interview, we speak with Marty Lopes of Washington's Terrain Coffee Project. We discuss how Terrain approaches their coffee business both in the roastery and in the cafe, using Acaia on bar, and their favorite coffee of late.

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Reseller Interview: Dutch Colony

Reseller Interview: Dutch Colony

In this authorized reseller interview, we speak with co-owner Suhaimie of Singapore’s Dutch Colony Co. We discuss how the company uses Acaia on bar, their successful business philosophy, and their brand-new roastery. 

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A carafe imprinted with Spirit Tea brewing on a Pearl scale

Spirit Tea: Interview and Exclusive Teaguide

In this interview, we spoke with the co-founder of Chicago-based artisan tea company, Spirit Tea. Read to discover more about their directly sourced varieties, misconceptions about one of the world’s popular drinks, and our exclusive collaboration Brewguide. 

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Reseller Interview: Five Senses

Reseller Interview: Five Senses

In this authorized reseller interview, we speak with Jeremy Hulsdunk of Australia’s Five Senses Coffee. We highlight how the company uses Acaia on bar, the origins of the world famous specialty coffee brand, and their involvement at MICE 2022. 

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Monthly Non-Profit: New Voices for Reproductive Justice

Monthly Non-Profit: New Voices for Reproductive Justice

For the month of September, we will be collecting for the non-profit organization New Voices for Reproductive Justice. This will continue until the end of the month.

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Monthly Non-Profit: Holler Health Justice

Monthly Non-Profit: Holler Health Justice

For the month of August, we will be collecting for the non-profit organization Holler Health Justice. This will continue until the end of the month.

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