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Monthly Non-Profit: November

Monthly Non-Profit: November

For the month of November, we will be collecting for the non-profit organization The Loveland Foundation. This will continue until the end of the month.

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Monthly Non-Profit: September

Monthly Non-Profit: September

For the month of September, we will be collecting for the non-profit organization Southern Fried Queer Pride. This will continue until the end of the month.

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Customer Feature: FOURB

Customer Feature: FOURB

We spoke with FOURB general manager Walter Kim about all aspects of the headlining specialty coffee roastery in Seoul, Korea. We cover all aspects of their approach in such areas as customer service right to where FOURB look to be in the future.

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A line up of the coffee bags on offer at Belleville.

Customer Feature: Belleville - Brûlerie Paris

We interviewed David Flynn, one of the co-founders of Belleville Brûlerie Paris about the journey of the cafe and roasting company and the changing face of the specialty coffee scene in Paris.

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Customer Feature: Thirdspace

Customer Feature: Thirdspace

In this customer feature, we interviewed David Walstra of the cafe and roastery Thirdspace, based in Johannesburg, South Africa. We asked about their experiences and outlook for their business and the local specialty coffee industry.

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A Pearl Scale on the ledge of a building with other coffee equipment.

Customer Feature: The Nomad Barista

An interview with Brodie Vissers, the Nomad Barista about his coffee-fueled travels around the world.

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A Lunar scale measuring an espresso shot on a La Marzocco machine.

Customer Feature: Humphreys Street

Humphreys Street is a non-profit cafe based in Nashville. They have been employing and empowering local teenagers through a different number of coffee disciplines. We interview them about the cafe and its initiative.

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the set up of coffee and barber tools in the shop.

Customer Feature: Refined Barber

An interview with Austin Arreola, owner of Refined Barber about his passion for cutting hair and brewing coffee. Refined Barber, located in Bloomington, Il, has gained a positive reputation for itself since opening last year.

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Customer Feature: Specht Design

Customer Feature: Specht Design

Designers inspire fellow designers & we are often awed by what our products inspire others to create.

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